How to wash a car

But then, how to do it right when washing the car? Before you begin, look for a shaded or covered place. Avoid most of the day, preferring to do it early in the morning or at dusk if you don't have a cover or shade either. If you are going to use the waterjet machine smoothly, get the car wet first to make it easier to remove the thicker dirt. If using a bucket, use two, one for cleaning with soap and one for rinsing.

Use specific soap for automotive cleaning and gentle scrubbing, use a wash glove suitable for this service as it has fibers that do not harm the body surface, clean and preserve paint. Pass the soap and rub the car in parts, always starting with the roof and then the hood, rear and sides. In each, wash well. After all this is done, it's time to clean the wheels, right? Wrong. Washing should begin exactly at the wheels, as dirt can spill over already cleaned body parts if done at the end. To do this, use a unique glove, then wash each wheel individually.

Then, for body drying, use microfiber, silicone or cotton cloths, which are indicated for automotive washing, as they do not produce scratches on the paint. Use absorbent cloths, which come in some more complete kits, helping to remove water faster. On windows, wash in the same way as the bodywork and dry. In the windshield, self-cleaning additives can be used in the water compartment for better transparency and dirt removal.

But even if washing the car at home is hard work, then it is advisable to go to the car washes that do not use automatic systems, and the service is done manually. Give preference to those who wash in the traditional way, because even those with dry cleaning, scratches can form when wiping the cloth. Finally, the steam jet should be used with caution, as heat alters the paint structure of the car and makes it fragile in the face of risks that would otherwise have been avoided.

What soap to use to wash cars?

When washing the car, what do you use? Be aware that not all soap products on the market are actually suitable for cleaning a car. Generally, many people use dishwashing detergent and even washing powder, which is naturally used for washing clothes. It turns out that these products are harmful. So what soap to use to wash cars?

Best car wash soap on the market for car cleaning and these are the recommended ones for these services. Usually in auto parts stores or supermarkets, there are those kits with car wash products, but they usually come bundled with other products. These kits are very popular and the most basic of them come with a specific car wash shampoo.